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Barbara Craig has seen a lot change since 2008.
When she and her husband first started prospecting for lithium in central Nevada —paying the bills with a B&B they owned — they were the only ones doing it.
15 years ago, only a few people understood how crucial lithium would become to the modern world.
And no one was looking for domestic supply.
But Barbara and her husband, Robert, saw what was coming.
An enormous uptick in lithium demand was on the way — as lithium-ion batteries became standard parts for virtually every kind of electronic equipment, from EV cars and laptops to portable speakers and battery-powered nightlights.
They were right.
Lithium’s use has continued to expand — growing in importance to become one of America’s declared strategic metals. The exact metals that the US wants to produce more of domestically.1
Given the long lead time from discovery to production for lithium mines — up to 10-15 years in many cases — it’s a good thing that the Craigs were looking for domestic sources of the ‘white gold’ starting in 2008. Their unique insights positioned the company to have a head start on much of the competition.
Soon after they started searching, they found Rhyolite Ridge.
While Columbus Basin has never been developed for lithium production, it hosted a major borax mine in the late 1800s. The borax was shipped to the California coast where it was used to make soap.
Boron and lithium are not often found together. Ioneer has extensive boron in its Rhyolite Ridge project, adding a significant booster to its potential profits.
The sheer volume of lithium claystone being developed by Ioneer helped the company secure a $700 million federal loan to develop its project.
American Battery Technology has received 4 Department of Energy (DOE) grants totaling nearly $70 million for its project, with $50 million coming from an institutional investor, and another $20 million awarded as part of the U.S. Department Of Energy (DOE) grant.3
Then there’s Lithium America’s Thacker Pass. The DOE is currently weighing a massive $1 billion federal grant,4 alongside a substantial investment from GM to the tune of $650 million.5
Canter Resources (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF), just at the start of their journey, could be next in line.
There is an enormous push to develop these resources, and not only because we need more domestic production. We need more production, period.
When Robert Craig looked up from reading the mining news in 2008 and told his wife, “We’re getting into lithium,” he saw what was coming.
He could see the enormous growth in lithium use — in everything from laptops to EVs.
And he also could see that supply was not going to ramp up in time to meet demand.
That’s exactly what happened:
Given the need for new extraction technologies to bring lithium claystone projects to commercial scale — we simply don’t have time to develop enough new lithium sources to keep up with demand.
This supply crunch’s early effects are being felt today — with the price of lithium shooting up nearly 6x at one point last year.
That spike has calmed somewhat, with lithium production expanding in an attempt to keep up with demand.
Nonetheless, this is merely a respite.
Many analysts see the world hitting a lithium shortfall by 2025 — and that is with lower assumed EV growth than we are actually seeing.6
When we hit that inflection point — a virtual certainty, given how long it takes for new resources to come online — the price of lithium will likely resume its rapid ascent.
And that could put America in a bind.
When the Craigs first started exploring for lithium, they were looking for alkaline flats.
The reason? The Craigs knew that brine is one of the best sources of lithium. Getting it out of the playas is as easy as drilling a well.
Extracting it from the brine solution is relatively straightforward and economical as well. Given recent advances in extraction methods, they are even cleaner and more efficient than before.
Lithium brine has been found and developed in South America — where the famed Lithium Triangle spans Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile8
Those resources have been found in salt flats throughout the Andes — where brine has concentrated, washing millions of years of lithium and other metals out of the ancient volcanic rock.
The exact same sort of geologic foundation we see at Rhyolite Ridge.
The only difference? While the Lithium Triangle has been fairly well explored, before 2008, only Albemarle had thought to look for lithium here in the US.
It just wasn’t a valuable enough mineral to warrant exploration, before the Craigs started their search.
By seeking out similar geology, the Craigs found Rhyolite Ridge.
And the stakes that grew out of that discovery have turned into valuable projects for Ioneer, American Lithium, Pure Energy, and others.
But the Columbus Basin — while fed by Rhyolite Ridge and other similar volcanic ranges like the other areas — is unique in a very important way.
It is a hydrologically closed system.
That means that any water that enters the basin remains. Over eons, the lithium-bearing rocks immersed here continued to enrich the waters with lithium, through millions of cycles of precipitation and evaporation.
It has a deep basement — estimated to reach 12,000 feet, providing layers upon layers of sediment basin-fill that is the right environment to host lithium-enriched brines.
At 23,000 acres, a discovery at the Columbus Project has ample room to grow.
While there hasn’t been proper exploration of the Columbus Basin yet, one early drill hole went down 2,200 feet.
In that span, it encountered a network of aquifers, and clay samples that averaged 500 ppm lithium from top-to-bottom, with highs up to 1,600 ppm.
Those levels are consistent with the drill results of the surrounding projects and indicate the potential for an economically viable resource.
However, to date, there has been no sampling of the subsurface lithium brines within the highly prospective target area itself.
That makes this one of the most promising projects with yet-to-be-proven resources in North America.
Now, securing water rights is one of the biggest challenges for companies hoping to advance a project from discovery to a successful mining operation in the arid regions of the western USA. In many areas, securing new water rights from state run water divisions is becoming near impossible. Farmers and ranchers holding legacy water rights have made small fortunes selling portions of their existing water rights to mining companies in need of the scarce resource to develop and operate their projects.
Canter Resources won’t have that problem developing a Columbus Basin lithium discovery, as they have struck a deal to secure water rights before drilling their first drill hole. This marks a key early milestone for the company and de-risks the project’s potential development path in the future, when water will only be harder to comeby.
And that’s one of the draws that has brought the best in the business to Canter Resources (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF).
The flat, desert-like nature of the tundra makes it easy to spot outcroppings.
“They’re the cat’s meow.” That’s what Barbara Craig has to say about the management and field team at Canter.
And there’s general agreement: this team is one of the most experienced in the fledgling domestic lithium brine sector.
It starts with the stakers, the Craigs. Barbara and Robert Craig pioneered the lithium movement in the US — getting involved before anyone else, staking out the best claims before potential competitors predicted coming demand, and now developing their best fields.
They can be thought of as the Father and Mother of the US lithium industry.
They’re responsible for over $1 billion in market cap, having found the primary resources for Ioneer, American Battery Technology, Pure Energy, American Lithium, and others.
Barbara Craig in front of the “billion dollar wall” — the projects they’ve staked worth over $1 billion in market cap.
This isn’t just a vocation for the Craigs — it’s a passion.
Robert Craig, who unfortunately passed a couple years ago, was a second-generation prospector and a classically trained mining engineer.
Barbara Craig was one of the first competitive women cross-country skiers in the United States, winning the first nationally sanctioned US event held for female athletes in 1967. She went on to represent the US in the 1972 Olympics as a member of the first Women’s Olympic cross-country ski team.
She’s carried that athletic energy into prospecting. Once she realized prospecting meant exploring, listening to, and interpreting the great outdoors, she was hooked.
Her husband and others knew she also had an “eye for mineral exploration”. Bob would comment, “She can spot lithium driving 40 miles an hour along a bumpy dusty road.”
Her Olympic physical stamina was apparent. “Show me a hill and I’ll climb it,” she’s fond of saying. She knows a bit about hill climbing… she successfully climbed Mt. McKinley/Denali in 1971.
And the Craigs passed that love of exploration onto their children and grandchildren — many of whom now accompany Barbara on her prospecting trips, helping out in exploration and discovery.
That sort of passion is often the secret behind great success — and so it is with the Craigs.
They nearly single-handedly jumpstarted the US lithium industry, pinpointing one of the most promising geological formations yet discovered, Rhyolite Ridge.
But make no mistake — The Craigs aren’t the only heralded names attached to the Columbus Basin project.
With this project being the Craigs’ last major stake fed by Rhyolite Ridge, they wanted to assemble an A-team to develop it.
And that’s exactly what they’ve found in Canter Resources (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF) — up and down the lineup.
The management team, led by Warwick Smith, Joness Lang, and Eric Saderholm has a history of successful mining ventures. Their most recent company was the best-performing gold mining stock in 2021, according to the Wall Street Journal Mining Index.
The field team is led by geologist Trevor Hawkins — a second-generation geologist whose father is famous for one of the great 10-million+ ounce gold discoveries years ago.
Hawkins has worked with the Craigs before, helping develop the other lithium properties in the area. He is one of the most experienced geologists in North America when it comes to lithium.
Even the investing group is the cream of the crop, led by legendary junior mining investor Michael Gentile. Canter Resouces (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF) is one of Gentile’s first lithium related investments, one of 15 or so early-stage mining companies where he’s devoted significant resources.9
With his hand in plenty of junior mining major success stories in the states — as an investor, an advisor, or both — and with over 15 years investing in this space, where Gentile goes, a number of acolytes often follow.
Once Canter Resources starts announcing initial exploration results, expect the herd to come pouring in.
There is good reason to believe Canter Resources (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF) is only a few short months from exactly that trigger.
Source: Canter Resources Investor Presentation
We have already talked about how promising the Columbus Basin is.
And, while it has never been properly explored for lithium, the company has already discovered lithium in the sediments at Columbus Basin. The only unknown is at what lithium concentrations exist in the subsurface brines, that’s what Canter Resources is actively working to prove out.
It’s also known to harbor large quantities of boron. It was a working boron mine in the late 1800s — making good money with a less valuable material, using less advanced extraction methods.
Today, the team has looked over the comprehensive geophysical data available –— and found lithium concentrations up to 1600 ppm, well into the economically viable range. Significant money was previously spent to generate the underlying surveys and technical data that supports this high-priority target.
There is a known multi-tiered system of aquifers on the property, with a strong potential for others to be found.
Brine samples from the Columbus Basin will be assayed for lithium in the first half of 2024 — and given the nature of brine deposits 2-3 successfully drilled wells could fast track the company towards an initial mineral resource estimate.
Perhaps most encouraging, the team is so excited about all the indicators they’ve found — from lithium concentration in surrounding clay, to m-t readings showing the low resistivity indicative of multiple large briny aquifers — that they may save a year of time by drilling a well first, instead of exploration drill holes.
The cost is only moderately more expensive — the well only becomes more expensive when it is fortified for use, after the resource has been defined and proven economical.
The advantage of traditional exploratory drill holes is more precise readings of the surrounding ground.
But for sampling lithium brine, a well hole will do a significantly better job. It will ensure the highest quality brine sampling is completed, with the opportunity to re-access aquifers with a variety of further tests.
And by putting the well in place to start, Canter Resources (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF) could save up to a year of development time — the average length of time it takes to install a well from scratch.
Canter Resources (CSE:CRC, OTC: CNRCF) could be exactly the sort of lithium company to add to your watchlist. That means you should consider calling your registered broker or advisor and showing him or her this report. Then discuss the new opportunity in lithium and, in particular, with Canter Resources.
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