With everyone making the shift to remote work over the past couple of years, companies have been adopting cloud computing technologies at a rapid clip. This has revolutionized a number of adjacent technologies in the process, including artificial intelligence, the modern hybrid workplace, the internet of things, and even visual and augmented reality.
But these are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg: 2023 promises to bring a number of new trends to the fore with regard to cloud computing. Indeed, as companies continue to maximize their use of cloud services in order to make their workplace operations more efficient, increased investment into cloud computing firms will lead to an even greater range of possibilities. These are the five most likely to make it big next year:
Improved Cloud Security and Resilience
One of the primary issues encountered by most who have adopted cloud tech is the way migration opened up their digital frameworks to a growing range of threats online. In which case, measures regarding cloud security and resilience will take center stage in the coming year, along with legislation in numerous countries regarding the way businesses may store and use the personal information of their online clientele.
Such solutions that companies are putting their money into are measures against data loss, as well as force majeure issues that may hamper business continuity. Likewise, in light of a looming global recession, companies will seek more cost-efficient, yet equally effective means of maintaining the security and integrity of their cloud data systems. In which case, security as a service providers may find 2023 a boom time.
Mulling the Multicloud Scenario
Next year, it is likely that businesses could see the advantage of deploying a more diverse range of services through several cloud providers: a scenario currently referred to as multicloud approach.
Aside from providing improved flexibility and security, the multicloud keeps companies from tying themselves to a single ecosystem, which over time could lead to a number of issues as the technologies behind them either evolve or become obsolete.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Come Into Play
Likewise, the provision of both AI and ML services is expected to become more prominent in 2023 as only a bare few can afford to establish their own AI infrastructure and it is more practical – and profitable – to offer AI and machine learning solutions as rentable services to those who need them.
In addition, this is a field that is ripe for innovation thanks to companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft which have expanded the capabilities of their own AI technologies to create better cloud services for their respective clientele.
Enter the Low-code Cloud
In the same vein as drag and drop site builders, low-code and no-code cloud technologies will give users the benefit of creating engaging material without needing to code in any form.
Such solutions have long been available as site builders, app development suites, and design modules, but 2023 will see the sector’s expansion into online task automation for a number of applications.
Cloud Gaming
Entertainment is one field wherein cloud technology has conquered the world thanks to services like Spotify and the numerous streaming media providers now at our fingertips.
Come next year, online gaming will be another field where the cloud will come into play. Cloud-hosted gaming servers will lead to higher bandwidth allowances, smoother gameplay, and improved player engagement.